God using Muslims to chastise apostate Christian nations?

According to the mainstream media, the largest number of people killed in Paris in the recent terrorist action was at a rock concert by the band Eagles of Death Metal. The band had just launched into one of its favorite songs, "Kiss the Devil." I'm attaching a pjoto taken moments before the slaughter, showing fans making the Devil horns sign.

God is once again showing that He will not be mocked. And as in centuries past, as Bishop Williamson pointed out in his recent Eleison Comments article, God is using the Muslims as a scourge to chastise sinful Catholic (these days, formerly Catholic) countries.

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"The Band, Eagles of Death Metal was on the stage in the middle of performing its 7th song "Kiss The Devil" at the Bataclan hall in Paris, as terrorists launched their massacre. "Kiss the Devil" There you go!

And here is the lyric of what they were singing when the first shots rang out..

"Who'll love the devil?...

Who'll sing his song?... Who will love the devil and his song?...

I'll love the devil!... I'll sing his song!... (it repeats over and over)"

I wonder if those who survived still think the devil is so "cool"? 

Poor souls....I pray for those who didn't survive that they repented in their last moments.

Me too :( Remembering our Lady's Tears at La Salette

Lord have mercy on the souls of the deceased........healing on those that survived Spiritual and Physical.........and peace, love and consolation for their families and friends.

I hate to say this, but that was one of the first things to pop into my head when I heard about the murders......that one of them was at a Satanic "death metal" concert.  May God have mercy on their souls.  May God have mercy on us all.

"I wonder if those who survived still think the devil is so "cool"? 

Sadly, I think the majority of people refuse to acknowledge this "coincidence", even

though it pricks their conscience and sensibilities.  The realization of evil/satan in the world

is too much for most to admit, much less comprehend.  They reject the concept with the same energy
 and fervor as their accepting of  "love and accept everyone".

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins,  save us from the fires of Hell.  Lead all souls to Heaven,

especially those in most need of Thy mercy."  Amen

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