Bishop Babble...

The Gay Press Conference...

The Gay Press Conference Continued....

*N. B.~We are publishing this link as there is a need to stay informed as to what is going on at the s-i-n-o-d (synod) and Mr. Voris in this and other clips is doing a decent job of saying what is going on in Rome right now. We must once again state that this is not an endorsement of Church Militant nor of Mr. Voris.  There are very few outlets to choose from who are telling it like it is concerning what is happening so we must resort to posting this link as it is the most informative.  We obviously do not agree with Mr. Voris in his distorted opinion of the SSPX or of their Masses.   

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Punch Him Out! (A St. Nicholas Moment at the Synod on the Family)


Written by  Magister Athanasius

Thank You, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. Next Time Feel Free to Punch Out Cardinal Maestrojuan
Thank You, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. Next Time Feel Free to Punch Out Cardinal Maestrojuan

(CORRECTED: God bless Archbishop Gadecki)

As the Benny Hill show (aka the Synod on the Family) continues, it is being reported by Arcbhishop Gadecki that Jose Luiz Cardinal Lacunza Maestrojuan, president of the Panamanian Bishops' Conference and appointed by Pope Francis as a synod rapporteur, proposed that the church should throw out the teachings of Jesus on divorce and remarriage, by, get this…returning to the Law of Moses on the matter. The quote, provided by Rorate Caeli, is as follows:

"Moses drew near to the people and gave way. Likewise today, the 'hardness of hearts' opposes God's plan. Could Peter not be merciful like Moses?"

Let it be known, this is nothing less than a call to apostasy. In fact, to cast aside the teachings of Christ and return to the Law of Moses is the very first example of apostasy in the New Testament and it wasn't looked at too kindly either (see Hebrews 6:4-8). For this reason, it would appear Maestrojuan would have the church be the kind of apostate of whom it is written:

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them [Jesus]--bringing swift destruction on themselves.” (2 Peter 2:1, Emphasis mine)

And of whom it is also written in the Epistle to the Galatians:

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!” (Galatians 1:8)

In the same epistle, Paul warns the Galatians about the danger of returning to the Law of Moses, after having received Christ, saying:

You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” (Galatians 5:4)

To dare imply the church should abandon the teachings of Christ and return to the Law of Moses on the matter of marriage is pure apostasy. Men who say such things are depraved enemies who are under God’s curse.

Here is the $64,000 question: Why didn’t Pope Francis, or any other bishop present at this intervention, walk up to Cardinal Maestrojuan and punch him right in the face like St. Nicholas did to the heresiarch Arius at the Council of Nicaea? This should have been a “St. Nicholas” moment!

Whatever happened to righteous indignation? How anyone could sit there and listen to such vomit from Satan, without sparking an uproar, shows how weak the current men in the hierarchy are. In days of old, this man wouldn’t have walked out of such an intervention unscathed. These days, I suspect the Holy Father will give him a promotion.

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Concerning the 3rd link, it is a bit of a stretch to think that Fr. Rosica alone is manipulating this s-i-n-o-d so as to give homosexuality a front and center stage.  Fr. Rosica is one man and this s-i-n-o-d was stacked from the start by none other than Francis himself who invited the most liberal pro homo men of the Church to this disaster while forbidding, certain bishops and cardinals from attending at all.  Not just not inviting the conservative ones but forbidding them access altogether.  While Mr. Voris gets some things accurate he sees certain issues in a light that may give an impression that is not exactly correct.

Francis is most assuredly 100% responsible for what is happening at the s-i-n-o-d in Rome right now.  He is not some innocent bystander.  Just wanted to be clear.

Pope Adrian VI, on the eve of the greatest schism in all of Christendom:

"God permits this persecution of His church on account of the sins of men, and especially of prelates and clergy. . . . Holy Scripture declares aloud that the sins of the people are the consequences of the sins of the priesthood. ... We know all too well that for many years things deserving of abhorrence have taken place around this Holy See. Sacred things have been misused, the commandments transgressed; in everything there has been a turn for the worse."


Satan is having a field day at this S-I-N-O-D..........and you are quite right Francis if no INNOCENT bystander.

God Help Us All.

This synod is shaping up to be worse than I expected, and I expected it to be really, really bad.

May God have mercy on us all.

Crisis for Pope Francis as top-level cardinals tell him: your synod could lead to the collapse of the church

And yet, I believe they will push forward with this abomination of a synod.  I hope I am wrong, but the pontiff seems absolutely tone deaf to anything other than his own preconceptions of how things should be. 

I just listened to these and thank you  for showing them  but I think I feel an little sick from it all...maybe it will wake up those who really care!!!   Lord Help Us!!!

One of the favorite arguments of the naysayers who reject the authenticity of Our Lady's apparitions at Akita is that the statement "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops" was already a reality at the time of the "alleged" apparitions, and therefore was no prophecy at all. I would contend that the developments around this synod bring "cardinals against cardinals and bishops against bishops" to a whole new level.

It does have that affect :(  but yes hopefully it will last and finally wake those who still have the Faith in the conciliar realm.  May God so will it.

Mrs Mary Jo Holtschlag said:

I just listened to these and thank you  for showing them  but I think I feel an little sick from it all...maybe it will wake up those who really care!!!   Lord Help Us!!!

Explosive Revelation: Miniature Shadow Synod being held with Pope and outside guests every day at Santa Marta

Buried within the article published today in the Catholic German newspaper Die Tagespost is the incredible news that helps to explain both the amazing way in which rules are changed by the hour at the 2015 Synod, and the constant leaks of threats and papal opinions. Every day a kind of miniature Shadow Synod meets at the Domus Sanctae Marthae with the Pope (including some Synod Fathers and some outside guests) to decide what steps should be taken at the Synod.
Maybe not even the author realized how explosive the revelation he included nonchalantly in his piece below is: there is no method, rules, or roadmap in the Synod of Bishops, just a will to reach a specific end, no matter what means are used.

No Complete Clarity
Die Tagespost
October 13, 2015, p. 5
by Guido Horst
Rome: Not very much leaks out of the Synod – and it is still an open question, just how its end and concluding word of the pope will look like

[…] Who says what, how much the two fronts clash against each other – and nobody so far denied that these fronts exist – what happens substantially in the Synod Hall – all these things are not getting into the public. […] Only in the coming days, will it come out how many Synod Fathers wish which changes to the Church's practice. As Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, one of the four delegate presidents of the Synod, said a few days ago in front of journalists: the three hundred bishops did not come together in order not to decide upon anything. The uncertainty about how the outcome will be of these three-week long negotiations is being heightened by the fact that in the guest house of the Vatican, Santa Marta, there takes place a kind of 'Shadow Synod': Pope Francis meets with participants of the Synod and with outside guests in order to speak with them individually. In the end, it is up to the pope to make a decision about the still open questions and to communicate his decision to the whole Church in a concluding text. That, however, is up to now the greatest riddle which underlies the whole Synod. […]

Therefore, since the formal ending of the Synod is completely open, it applies even more so to the way and the manner as to how Pope Francis will speak his concluding word concerning marriage and the family in the contemporary world on the basis of this two-year-long synodal process. He can take a long time and write a post-synodal text, as it has been the case with most of the past Synods. But, he also can already speak – in a comprehensive way, and in whatever form he chooses – the concluding word concerning marriage and the family on the last working day of the Synod, on October 24.
In any event, for this Synod, the Message of the Synod Fathers to the People of God has already been deleted; and an approved drafting committee did not even need to have been elected – which points to the fact that the attention of the world's public and beyond shall be fully directed to the papal final document. Some rumors – according to which this final document even lies, already fully prepared, in a drawer, or that it is just now in the middle of its being written by a working group – do not lack a certain malice, because that would mean that the work of the ongoing synodal process has been a sham consultation. And it was especially Pope Francis who started his pontificate with the wish that the synodal processes shall become more important with regard to the leadership of the Church.
[Source. Translation: Maike Hickson]

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