Boston’s Gang of Eight Cardinal O’Malley asks Methodist to ‘re-affi...

by Catholic4Life

Cardinal O'Malley's Methodist reaffirmation


Less than a year and a half ago, Sean Cardinal O'Malley traveled from Boston to Washington, D.C. to attend a traditional Latin Requiem High Mass for U.S. pro-life leader Nellie Gray, and spoke from the pulpit after the funeral.  Also during the pontificate of Benedict XVI, Cardinal O'Malley, archbishop of Boston, administered the sacrament of confirmation using the traditional Latin books at his cathedral.

 Fast-forward to the current pontificate, when Cardinal O'Malley is, as one secular publication observed, "the only North American member of the Cabinet that Francis formed to advise him."  The charity toward traditional Catholics quickly changed.
Now we have learned Cardinal O'Malley proactively asked a female Methodist minister to "re-affirm" his baptism with an "anointing" at a Protestant church this month in Sudbury, Massachusetts.
The local newspaper, the Patriot-Ledger, reported on the female Methodist minister's "completely unexpected" request from the cardinal here:
“What moved me was not so much that I was anointing him,” she said. “It was him being willing to accept that from my hand – to ask me, as a woman in ministry, to do that.”
 A Rhode Island native, the Rev. [Anne] Robertson was the only female clergy member who assisted at a special 50th anniversary worship service at Sudbury United Methodist Church.
 As part of Sunday’s anniversary service, the 500 who filled Sudbury United Methodist to overflowing were invited to receive a drop of consecrated water on their forehead and be told, “Remember your baptism and be thankful.” The ritual resembles the ceremonial receiving of ashes on Ash Wednesday, but isn’t a formal United Methodist sacrament.
Cardinal O’Malley and New England United Methodist Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar led the ritual in the sanctuary. The Rev. Robertson and a Catholic priest were on their way with small bowls of water to a side room, for others watching the service on a large-screen TV.
She paused with the priest at the cardinal’s pew, so they could receive the baptism water from Cardinal O’Malley. The next moment, the cardinal quietly asked the Rev. Robertson to administer the water for him.
“My heart immediately went to my throat,” she said. “To be asked that by the man who might be pope someday – I was stunned. I was choking back tears for hours.”
Same here.
[h/t reader]

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Cardinal O'Malley was also the one who said the funeral Mass for deceased Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy.  At least now he is out in the open with what he believes, or rather, doesn't believe in.  Wonder how the mainstream Catholic media will spin this one.  :-p  Last year they were all over themselves pointing towards Cdl. O'Malley as a possible candidate for the papacy!  :-p  In fact, further along in the article, the Protestant "minister" is all over herself that she could have possibly "anointed a future Pope."  God forbid!  But any more the whole situation makes your head spin.

God grant that I manage to keep my head and Catholic sense intact.  :-p

I started thinking more about my response.  Really I should be more charitable, and pray for the Cardinal's conversion.  It does show truly how bad and upside down things are in our beloved Church, when things like this even happen. But he is setting a very bad example for others and needs prayers.

St. John Climacus wrote "The Ladder of Divine Ascent," a treatise on how to live right and attain Heaven.  In art this is often depicted as different religious trying to climb up a very steep ladder to Heaven.  Some make it, some do not,...with devils dragging down souls from the ladder.  And some fall from very high up on the ladder. 

Dear Lord, have mercy on Thy Church and on us all.  St. John Climacus, pray for us.

Well I suppose Cathleen is right, we must pray for these lost souls.  Sometimes it is difficult to remember that when you see stuff like this because it is so outrageous, but she is right in what she said.

Sue K said:

Father Sean went down like a rocket since the time he was my priest, confessor, and spiritual advisor  as a Franciscan Friar serving at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C.  in the early 70's.   A very generous but very weak Christian..   Surprised I'm not.   Ron

Oh, believe me, DM, I do find it very hard to pray for people like this.  My first reaction is not pretty.  :-o  I am just trying to put into action the wonderful lessons I have been learning through prayer and the retreat. 

I agree with Ron and Sue.  The Cardinal is another sad casualty from the 70's.  I've seen too many of them.  What is sad for me is seeing friends and family who don't see what is wrong with the Church, the Cardinals and Bishops, etc. etc.  Makes my heart sad.  That is why I deplore the bad example that the Cardinal sets.  It doesn't encourage any Protestant friends I know to convert and keeps more NO Catholics in the darkness.

There but for the grace of God go I.   May God have mercy on their souls.  May God have mercy on me.

Ditto Cathleen.  It makes it difficult for those of us who are traditional to encourage others to become traditional if they are NOs and become Catholic if they are Protestant.  I agree the St.Therese retreat has been wonderful.  Her thoughts are so interesting and against the grain of our natures.  Very good for our souls.  I'll keep praying.

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